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Andrew Holt


Consultant HPB physician

Andrew is a Consultant Liver Physician who specialises in Gastroenterology and Biliary disease. He has worked in the University and Liver Unit at Queen Elizabeth hospital for almost 20 years, and has expertise in all forms of liver disease (viral, fatty liver, autoimmune, PBC etc). Dr Holt has a particular interest in liver transplantation including live donor transplantation and performs upper GI endoscopy and ERCP. He specialises in managing patients with liver disease, cirrhosis and liver cancer with colleagues in surgery and oncology departments and is a specialist in assessing and managing patients with complex or decompensated disease. Dr Holt assesses patients and potential donors for live-donor liver transplantation and enjoys a close working relationship with his Surgical colleagues in the HPB Clinic. He regularly publishes, lectures and teaches both Nationally and Internationally on various aspects of liver disease and transplantation