Keith Roberts


Consultant Hepatobiliary, Pancreatic and Liver Transplant Surgeon
Honorary Reader, University of Birmingham

I am John Keith Roberts (GMC No. 4634416). My qualifications are MB ChB, Ph.D. (Birmingham), and FRCS. I am a member of the International Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Society (IHPBA), the Pancreatic society of Great Britain and Ireland (PSGBI) and Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (AUGIS). 

I am Honorary Treasurer to the Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and England.

I am the Pancreatic Cancer Surgical Specialty Lead for the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland.

I am a committee member of the Association of Upper GI Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.

I qualified in 1999 from the University of Wales College of Medicine; after training in general surgery and further specialist training in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, liver transplantation and organ retrieval, I undertook training at St James University Hospital, Leeds before being appointed to the dept. hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery at the Queen Elizabeth hospital, Birmingham. I am a consultant in liver transplantation, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery. 

My clinical expertise is in the surgical treatment of diseases of the liver, pancreas, bile duct and gall bladder. I have published on a variety of different aspects of liver, pancreatic, biliary and gall bladder disease.

I have specialist skills in managing patients with complex liver, biliary and pancreatic diseases. 

I am an expert surgeon with comprehensive experience in routine and complex liver and pancreas surgery including borderline and locally advanced pancreatic cancer, liver transplantation, surgery on the vena cava and upper abdominal sarcoma. I am an expert in gall bladder and cholecystectomy surgery.

I have led national studies to improve the care of pancreatic cancer and through my work with specialist associations contribute to the development of liver and pancreas surgery in the UK and beyond. My work has influenced national protocols, guidelines, expert opinion and NICE guidelines.


I am an honorary reader with the University of Birmingham. I supervise PhD students to develop novel diagnostic tests of pancreas failure and to study outcomes after pancreatic surgery. I am leading collaborative research in pancreatic cancer in the UK in my role with the Royal College of Surgeons. I am regularly invited to speak at national and international expert meetings.

I am a named co- or principal investigator on current research projects with nearly £2,000,000 of funding. 


  • Six book chapters
  • >200 peer reviewed publications